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General Background 

The Historical Ecology of Game Species Introductions in Hawaiʻi 

Duffy and Lepczyk (2021) Pacific Science

A Tour de Force by Hawaiʻi's Invasive Mammals: Establishment, Takeover, and Ecosystem Restoration through Eradication

Hess S.C. (2016) Mammal Study

The Islands are Different: Human Perceptions of Game Species in Hawaiʻi

Lohr C.A., Lepczyk C.A., Johnson E.D. (2014) Environmental Management

Mammals in Hawaiʻi: A Synopsis and Notational Bibliography 

Tomich P.Q. (1986) Published as a book

General Background

Feral pigs (Sus scrofa)

Historical range expansion and biological changes of Sus scrofa corresponding to domestication and feralization

Wehr N.H. (2021) Mammal Research

A comparison of abundance and distribution model outputs using camera traps and sign surveys for feral pigs

Risch D.R., Ringma J., Honarvar S., Price M.R. (2020) Pacific Conservation Biology


Relationships between soil macroinvertebrates and nonnative feral pigs (Sus scrofa) in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests

Wehr N.H., Litton C.M., Lincoln N.K., Hess S.C. (2020) Biological Invasions

Quantifying the impact of wild pigs on global biodiversity and the spatiotemporal ecology of feral pigs on Maui, Hawai‘i (2019)

Risch D.R. (2019) M.S. Thesis

Changes in soil bacterial community diversity following the removal of invasive feral pigs from a Hawaiian tropical montane wet forest

Wehr N.H., Kinney K.M., Nguyen N.H., Giardina C.P., Litton C.M. (2019) Scientific Reports


Wehr N.H (2018) M.S. Thesis

Biology and Impacts of Pacific Islands Invasive Species. 14. Sus
scrofa, the Feral Pig (Artiodactyla: Suidae) 

Wehr N.H., Hess S.C., Litton C.M. (2018) Pacific Science

Impact of nonnative feral pig removal on soil structure and nutrient availability in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests

Long M.S., Litton C.M., Giardina C.P., Deenik J., Cole R.J., Sparks J.P. (2017) Biological Invasions

Impact of nonnative feral pig removal on soil structure and nutrient availability in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests

Long M.S., Litton C.M., Giardina C.P., Deenik J., Cole R.J., Sparks J.P. (2017) Biological Invasions

Vegetation response to removal of non-native feral pigs from Hawaiian tropical montane wet forest

Cole R.J., Litton C.M. (2014) Biological Invasions

Vegetation Recovery 16 years after Feral Pig Removal from a Wet Hawaiian Forest

Cole R.J., Litton C.M., Koontz M.J., Loh R.K. (2012) Biotropica

Runoff, Sediment Transport, and Effects of Feral Pig (Sus scrofa) Exclusion in a Forested Hawaiian Watershed

Dunkell D.O., Bruland G.L., Evensen C.I., Litton C.M. (2011) Pacific Science

Ecological impacts of feral pigs in the Hawaiian Islands

Nogueira-Filho S.L.G., Nogueira S.S.C., Fragoso J.M.V. (2009) Biodiversity and Conservation

Feral Pig Removal: Effects on Soil Microarthropods in a Hawaiian Rain Forest

Vtorov I.P. (1993) The Journal of Wildlife Management

Eradicating Feral Pigs in Montane Mesic Habitat at Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park 

Katahira L.K., Finnegan P., Stone C.P. (1993) Wildlife Society Bulletin

Association between Feral Pig Disturbance and the Composition of Some Alien Plant Assemblages in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park 

Aplet G.H., Anderson S.J., Stone C.P. (1991) Vegetatio

Relative effects on human and feral hog disturbance on a wet forest in Hawaiʻi 

Ralph J.C. and Maxwell B.D. (1984) Biological Conservation

Population Biology and Management of the Feral Pig (Sus scrofa L.) in Kipahulu Valley, Maui

Diong C.H. (1982) Ph.D Dissertation

Feral pigs

Axis deer (Axis axis)

Introduced Axis deer (Axis axis) on Maui, Hawaiʻi: History, Current Status, Home Range, Grouping Patterns, and a Species Account

Anderson S.B. (2003) Ph.D Dissertation

Axis deer
Feral goats and sheep

Feral goats and sheep (Capra hircus & Ovis aries) 

Home Range Use and Movement Patterns of Non-Native Feral Goats in a Tropical Island Montane Dry Landscape

Chynoweth M.W., Lepczyk C.A., Litton C.M., Lepczyk C.A., Hess S.C., Kellner J.R., Cordell S. (2015) PLOS ONE

Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 9. Capra hircus, the Feral Goat (Mammalia: Bovidae)

Chynoweth M.W., Litton C.M., Lepczyk C.A., Hess S.C., Cordell S. (2013) Pacific Science

Feral Herbivores Suppress Mamana and Other Browse Species on Mauna Kea, Hawaiʻi

Scowcroft P.G., Giffin J.G. (1983) Journal of Range Management

Mouflon sheep (Ovis gmelini musimon)

Space Use and Annual Survival of Hybridized Mouflon Sheep in Hawaiʻi and Comparing Estimates of Population Size through Instantaneous Sampling and Photographic Capture-Recapture

Adams B.J. (2019) M.S. Thesis

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