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Current Range: Hawaiʻi Island
Region of origin: Europe
Date of first introduction: 1791 (Kauaʻi), 1793 (Hawaiʻi Island)
Average size: Female - 20 kg to 40 kg, Male - 25 kg to 60 kg*
Litter frequency: 1 to 2 per year
Litter size: 1 to 2 lambs (twinning rare)
Home range: Female - 1.71 ± 0.86 km , Male - 2.07 ± 0.3 km *
Diet: Opportunistic grazer (known to browse native shrublands)
References (*obtained from studies outside of Hawaʻi): Scowcroft and Giffin 1983, Tomich 1986, Van Vuren and Coblentz 1989
Feral Sheep (Ovis aries)
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